- A-Z
- Haussknechtia : Mit...
- Heft 8
- Miscellanea hepatic...
- Author
- published
- 2001
- size
59 - 69
- abstract
291. Acromastigum cunninghamii (Steph.) A.Evans new to Auckland Islands and Tasmania. 292. Cololejeunea trichomanis (Gottsche) Steph, has to replace Cololejeunea goebelii (Gottsche ex Schiffn.) Schiffn. 293. Lejeunea (subg. Heterolejeuned) schustert GROLLE, nom. nov. is proposed to replace Rectolejeunea (subg. Heterolejeunea) denudata R.M.SCHUST. 2000 |non Lejeunea denudata (PEARSON) J.J.ENGEL 1975]. 294. Microlejeunea ocellata (Herzog) GROLLE, comb. nov. basionym: Rectolejeunea ocellata HERZOG 1949. New to Australia. 295. Radula ankefinensis GOTTSCHE ex STEPH. 1884: new lectotype [icon.] and epitype designations. (= R. holstiana Steph. 1895; syn. nov. with new lectotype designation. = R. autoica Steph. 1913 with new lectotype designation). 296. Radula boryana (F. Weber) Mont. 1842 = Jungermannia boryana F.Weber 1815. (= R. tamariscina Mitt. 1863; syn. nov.). 297. Radula fulvifolia (HOOK.F. & TAYLOR) GOTTSCHE et al. 1845 = Jungermannia fulvifolia HOOK.F. & Taylor 1845. (= R. meyeri Steph. 1888; syn. nov. with new lectotype designation). 298. Radula madagascariensis Gottsche 1882 (= R. exigua Steph. 1910; syn. nov.). 299. Radula tabularis STEPH. 1884: new lectotype designation. 300. Radula voluta Taylor ex Gottsche et al. 1845: new lectotype designation. (= R. macroloba Steph. 1892; syn. nov. = R. delessertii STEPH, in Renauld & CARDOT 1893, syn. nov. = R. stipatiflora STEPH. 1910; syn. nov. with new lectotype [icon.] designation).
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