- A-Z
- Haussknechtia : Mit...
- Heft 8
- Kritische Revision ...
- Author
- published
- 2001
- size
43 - 58
- abstract
The species of the genus Neurotropis (DC.) F. K. MEY. with its broadly winged fruits show a certain similarity to the type-species of the genus Thlaspi L., 77i. arvense L. But there are significant differences between these genera in the smooth surface of the seeds of Neurotropis, a feature which is to find in all the species separated by me from the remaining six Thlaspi-species to other genera. Also the mucilaginous cells of the outer epidermis of the seed-coat with their inside, vertical from the cellground, standing gelatinous bodies bring the Neurotropis-species not in a nearer relationship to the genus Thlaspi. It seems that a nearer connection for them would be to find in the genera Microthlaspi F. K. Mey. and Thlaspiceras F. K. Mey. The molecular-biological investigations made by MUMMENHOFF, Franzke & KOCH (1997), and once more published by Koch & Mummenhoff (2001) showed the clear independence of Thlaspi s. str. against Neurotropis and the other genera separated from Thlaspi, but also a greater independence between the newly distinguished genera Neurotropis, Microthlaspi and Thlaspiceras. The separation of the genus Neurotropis (MEYER 1973) and my concept of splitting up the traditional genus Thlaspi, too, could find a complete agreement with the molecular data found by Mummenhoff, Franzke & KOCH (1997). Neurotropis (DC.) F. K. Mey. consists of three species: N. orbiculata (Steven ex DC.) F. K. Mey. and N. szowitsiana (BoiSS.) F. K. MEY., distinguishable among others by their habitus, the length of their style, and by the number of their ovules, only have small areas in the transcaucasian region. Neurotropis platycarpa (FISCH. & C.A. Mey.) F. K. Mey., which differs from the two species mentioned by not measureable length of the style, i.e. sitting stigma, has a wider area of distribution from Afghanistan/Pakistan W to Greece, often very disjunct on higher mountains, and therefore was often described separately from different regions, the names of which now became synonyms of the correct combination.
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