- A-Z
- Isis : encyclopädis...
- 1844
- Nr. XII
Philosophie / vom Grafen Georg von Buquoy
- author(s)Buquoy, Georg von
- sizeSp. 0881 - 0884
The Edinburgh new philosophical Journal / conducted by R[obert] Jameson, Prof. of nat. Hist. - Band XXVII, Nr. 53, 1839 ; Band XXVIII, 1839-1840 ; Nr. 56, 1840 ; Band XXIX, Heft 57-58, 1840 ; Band XXX, Nr. 59-60, 1840 ; Band XXXI, Heft 61-62, 1841 ; Band XXXII, Heft 63-64, 1842 ; Band XXXIII, Heft 65-66, 1842 ; Band XXXIV, Heft 67-68, 1843 ; Band XXXV, Heft 69-70, 1843
- sizeSp. 0884 - 0912
- reviewed work1839 to 1843
Annals of Nat[ural] History, [or Magazine of zoology, botany, and geology] / conducted by W[illiam] Jardine, P[rideaux] [John] Selby, [George] Johnston, W[illiam Jackson] Hooker, Rich[ard] Taylor. - London. - new Series. - Bd. IV, Nro. XXII, 1839 ; Nro. XXIII, 1839 ; Nro. XXIV, 1839
- sizeSp. 0912 - 0931
- reviewed work1839
Die Formen der Natur, für Naturforscher, Künstler und Mathematiker / von E. S. - Hall : Haspel, 1843
- sizeSp. 0931 - 0932
- reviewed work1843