- A-Z
- Isis : encyclopädis...
- 1844
- Nr. VII
Philosophie / vom Grafen Georg von Buquoy
- author(s)Buquoy, Georg von
- sizeSp. 0481 - 0483
Anatomie / Dr. M[auro] Rusconi
- author(s)Rusconi, Mauro
- sizeSp. 0500 - 0505
Magazine of zoology and botany / conducted by W[illiam] Jardine, P[rideaux] J[ohn] Selby and Dr. [George] Johnston. - London : Highley. - Band I, 1837, Heft 1-6 ; Band II, 1838
- sizeSp. 0505 - 0532
- reviewed work1837 to 1838
Nouveaux mémoires de l'Académie royale des Sciences et Belles lettres de Bruxelles. - Bruxelles. - [Bd.] XIV, 1841 ; Band XV, 1842
- sizeSp. 0532 - 0540
- reviewed work1841 to 1842