- A-Z
- Interculture journa...
- Jahrgang 9
- Ausgabe 11
- Managerial Worlds. ...
- Author
- published
- 2010
- size
27 - 41
- abstract
The construction of cultural differences and similarities has gained interest in theories and practice during the past years. This manuscript therefore focuses on the construction of cultural differences and similarities of managers in a selected international organisation in South Africa with regard to conflict, identities and values. This articles aims at presenting perspectives of top and middle managers with regard to the relevant topics by answering defined research questions. The study presented uses a qualitative case study approach in the phenomenological and interpretative research paradigm. The research results serve as guiding principles in improving the understanding of constructions of cultural differences and similarities in the South African management context. They therefore lead to conclusions and recommendations of managing transcultural interactions in automotive organisation in South Africa.
- rubric
- Articles