- A-Z
- Endocytobiosis and ...
- Volume 31
- International Confe...
- Short title
Conference on Genetic Resources
- Author
- published
- Mon Dec 20 2021
- reference
2021ECR1126_Hoda A etal
- size
- keyword(s)
integrative taxonomy, DNA barcoding, plant, animal, aquatic genetic resources
- abstract
The International Conference on "Management of Animal and Plant Genetic Resources" was held on November 19th, 2021 in Tirana, Albania. This conference was organized in collaboration with Agricultural University of Tirana (AUT) and University of Tirana. The conference was organized in a hybrid manner where scientists from different countries presented on-site and online their work orally or as posters. Conference topics covered three main areas (i) Integrative Taxonomy and DNA Barcoding; (ii) Management of Plant Genetic Resources; (iii) Management of Livestock and Aquatic Genetic Resources. In this report we summarize oral presentations of five sessions. The main outcome of the conference was to increase the collaboration between national institutions in Albania which focus on management of genetic resources. The conference also recommends that in preparing the strategies for management of genetic resources for agriculture and food, the decision bodies and policy makers must consider the results and conclusions obtained by different studies of this topic carried out by Albanian scientists.