- A-Z
- BuB : Forum Bibliot...
- 55. Jahrgang
- 7-8/2003
- Professional provis...
- Author
- Translator
- size
434 - 438
- keyword(s)
- abstract
This summer, after two decades of abstinence, the international library world convenes for its annual IFLA Conference once again in Germany, in Berlin, a city fraught with history. Not only is the Brandenburg Gate now open, but also libraries throughout the metropolitan area - in conjunction with the Conference motto - will be opening their doors and portals to welcome the over 3000 registered guests. Since the IFLA World Congress first met on German soll in Munich in 1982, vast changes have been experienced all around the world, permeating nearly every realm of society, politics, economy and technology. This compact, pointed overview illustrates the state of German librarianship today, what problems it is struggling with and which projects are being undertaken to hold the profession fit for the future.
- urn:nbn:de:urmel-d56f6d3b-6a7e-4cd0-9126-8a491345cd1d5-00331209-11