- A-Z
- Mittheilungen aus J...
- 19. Band, 1873
- Tafel 14: Map of th...
Tafel 14: Map of the province of Kuang Tung / from native and foreign authorities by F. Hirth 1872. Red. A. Petermann, autogr. by Domann & Peip
- Linked locations
- Asien (4003217-6)China (4009937-4)Guangdong (4110406-7)
- Other
Canton (Shang Shing) and its neighbourhood
- Cartographer
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- size
T 14
- Annotation
1:2.600.000. - E 107°00'-E 119°00'/N 26°00'-N 19°00'. - Gotha : Justus Perthes, 1873. - 1 Kt : Lithogr ; 48 x 34 cm. - Maßstab in graph. Form (Chinese Li, English Miles). - Nullmeridian: Greenwich. - mit Gebirgsdarst.