- A-Z
- Jena Economics Rese...
- Volume 8
- Between-group confl...
- Autor(in)
- Erschienen
- 1. April 2014
- Nummer des Discussion-Papers
- Schlagwort(e)
between-group conflict
local and global public goods
nested social dilemma
other-regarding preferences
- Zusammenfsg.
We investigate experimentally the underlying motivations and individual dierences with regard to the participation in between-group conflict in nested social dilemmas. In our nested social dilemmas, the collective is divided into two groups, and individuals allocate tokens between a private, a group-specific, and a collective good. We vary the marginal per capita return of the group-specific and collective good in order to manipulate the motivational within- and between group conflicts. A first experiment shows that a between-group conflict leads to within-group cooperation and particularly individuals with positive other-regarding preferences (prosocials) react to a between-group conflict by contributing to the group-specific good. Hence, paradoxically, individuals with positive other-regarding preferences may foster between-group conflicts. A second experiment reveals that prosocials' contributions to the group-specific or collective good vary as a function of the personal costs of within-group versus collective cooperation, supporting the weighted average social preference theory by Charness and Rabin (2002).
- article pub. typess JER
- Research article
- article languages JER
- Englisch
- JEL-Classification for JER
- C72 - Noncooperative Games ; C92 - Laboratory, Group Behavior ; D0 - General; H41 - Public Goods
- urn:nbn:de:urmel-9527b64a-247f-4b37-bc20-dd5fcd9a2d5b0-00237168-11