- A-Z
- Jena Economics Rese...
- Volume 7
- Business Cycles, Un...
Business Cycles, Unemployment and Entrepreneurial Entry : First Evidence from Germany
- Autor(in)
- Erschienen
- 20. März 2013
- Nummer des Discussion-Papers
- Schlagwort(e)
business cycle
- Zusammenfsg.
We investigate whether people become more willingly self-employed during boom periods or in recessions and to what extent it is the business cycle or the employment status influencing entry rates into entrepreneurship. Our analysis for Germany reveals that start-up activities are positively influenced by unemployment rates and that the cyclical component of real GDP has a negative effect. This implies that new business formation is counter-cyclical. Further disentangling periods of low and high unemployment periods reveals a “low unemployment retard effect”.
- article pub. typess JER
- Research article
- article languages JER
- Englisch
- JEL-Classification for JER
- L26 - Entrepreneurship ; E32 - Business Fluctuations; Cycles
- urn:nbn:de:urmel-07565fe0-8d91-41c3-bc41-eb96036abb9b6-00230201-15