- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1847
- Band 2 : Numero 145...
- Numero 209
- [Literaturbericht z...
[Literaturbericht zu Schriften in den Sprachen der Nordamerikanischen Indianerstämme]
Rezensiert werden u.a.:
1. Jones, P.; Jones, J.: Minuajimouin au St. Matthiu. The Gospel according to Matthew in the Ojibwa language. Boston: Crocker & Brewster 1839
2. Jones, P; Jones, J.: Minuajimouin gaizhibiiget au St. John. The Gospel of St. John in the language of the Ojibwa Indians. Boston: Crocker & Brewster 1838
3. Jones, P; Jones, J.: Gallaudet´s Picture defining and reading book. Also N. T. stories in the Ojibwa language. Boston: Crocker & Brewster 1835
4. Jones, P; Jones, J.: Nvgvmouinvn genvnvgvmouat igiu anishinabeg anvmiajig. Boston: Crocker & Brewster 1836
5. Jones, P; Jones, J.: Abinoji aki tibajimouin in the Ojibwa language. Boston: Crocker & Brewster 1840
6. Jones, P; Jones, J.: Ju pitabvn. Gema gaie okikinoa-maguziuiniua igiu abinojivg. Boston: Crocker & Brewster 1844
7. The three epistles of the Apostle John. Translated into Delaware Indian by C. F. Dencke. New York: American Bible Society 1818
8. The morning and evening prayer, the litany, church catechism, family prayers, and several chapters of the Old and New-Testament. Translated into the Mahaque Indian language by L. Claesse. Interpreter to W. Andrews, missionary to the Indians, from the Honourable and Reverend the Society for the Propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. New York: Bradford 1715
9. The Gospel according to St. John. New York: 1818
10. The Gospel according to St. Luke. Translated into Mohawk tongue by H. A. Hill. New York: A. Hoyt 1827
- Title of reviewed work
Abinoji aki tibajimouin
Gallaudet´s Picture defining and reading book
Ju pitabvn
Minuajimouin au St. Matthiu
Minuajimouin gaizhibiiget au St. John
Nvgvmouinvn genvnvgvmouat igiu anishinabeg anvmiajig
The three epistles of the Apostle John
- Reviewed work
The Gospel according to St. John
The Gospel according to St. Luke
The morning and evening prayer, the litany, church catechism, family prayers, and several chapters of the Old and New-Testament
- Reviewer
- Author of reviewed work
- Editor of reviewed work
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Translator of the reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1715 to 1844
- size
- keyword(s)
Indigene Kultur
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Mehrteilige enzyklopädische Rezension
- rubric
- Schriften in den Sprachen der Nordamerikanischen Indianerstämme