On Resonance Density in Scattering on Bound Particles
- Author
- reference
1 [Russian Text Ignored] P-1473 (1963).
2 H. Feshbach, Ann. Physik 5, 357 (1958).
3 [Russian Text Ignored] 136. 1 1951, [Russian Text Ignored]
4 [Russian Text Ignored] B. H. 1 P-1130 (1962).
5 A. K. Kerman, L. S. Rodberg and J. E. Young, Physic. Rev. Lett. 11, 9 (1963).
- size
0005 - 0011
- abstract
The emergence of frequent resonances is demonstrated on the simple model when a particle is scattered on the potential well occupied by another particle. The result obtained shows that the frequent resonances in the cross section for slow neutron scattering on nuclei can be understood on the basis of a considerably simpler mechanism of the reaction than the transfer of the energy of an incident particle to all the nucleons in the nucleus.
- article types
- research article