- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1814
- Band 2 : Numero 98 ...
- Numero 117
- Abstract of the ans...
Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an act. Passed in the fifty-first year of his Majesty King George III, intitled an act for taking an account of the population of Great Britain, and of the increase or diminution thereof. London: Parlaments-Druck. 1812
- Title of reviewed work
Abstract of the answers and returns made pursuant to an act
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Commentator, corrector
- Mentioned person
- reviewed work
- 1812
- size
- keyword(s)
- notes
llabuhn lo#kabel
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension fremdsprachiger Literatur
- rubric
- Statistik
- Gattung des rezensierten Werkes
- Amtliche Druckschrift; Statistik