- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1808
- Band 2 : Numero 128...
- Numero 172
- [Sammelrezension zw...
[Sammelrezension zweier englischer Literatursammlungen]
Rezensiert werden:
1. English library: Authors in prose. Vol. 1-16. Gotha: Steudel & Keil 1804-1807
Vol. 1-4: Fielding, H.: The history of Tom Jones.
Vol. 5-7: Smollet, T. G.: The adventures of Roderic Random.
Vol. 8-1: Sterne, L.: The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman.
Vol. 12: Goldsmith, O.: Essays. Collecta Revirescunt.
Vol. 13: Fielding, H.: A journey from this world to the next.
Vol. 14-16: Macpherson, J.: The poems of Ossian.
2. English library: Authors in verse. Vol. 1-4. Gotha: Steudel & Keil 1805-1807
Vol. 1-2: Milton, J.: Paradise Lost. Enth. außerdem: Milton, J.: Paradise regained.
Vol 3: Thomson, J.: The Seasons.
Vol 4: Goldsmith, O.: Poems. Enth. außerdem: Cunningham, J.: Poems.
- Reviewed work
A journey from this world to the next
Essays / O. Goldsmith
Paradise Lost
Paradise regained
Poems / J. Cunningham
Poems / O. Goldsmith
The adventures of Roderic Random
The history of Tom Jones
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman
The poems of Ossian
The Seasons
- Title of reviewed work
English library: Authors in prose
English library: Authors in verse
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Commentator, corrector
- reviewed work
- 1804
- size
- keyword(s)
- Annotation
sgoldau / k#lehmann
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Sammelrezension
- rubric
- Poesie
- Gattung des rezensierten Werkes
- Prosa; Lyrik