- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1804
- Band 4 : Numero 281...
- Numero 349
- Hadley, George: A c...
Hadley, George: A compendious grammar of the current corrupt dialect of the jargon of Hindostan, (commonly called Moors). With a vocabulary, English and Moors, Moors and English. To which are added familiar phrases and dialogues, etc. etc., with notes descriptive of various customs and manners of Bengal. For the use of the Bengal and Bombay establishments. 5. ed.. London: Sewell 1801
- Reviewed work
A dictionary, Persian, Arabic, and English
A Grammar of the Arabick Language
A grammar of the Malay tongue
A grammar of the Persian language
The Persian Interpreter
- Title of reviewed work
A compendious grammar of the current corrupt dialect of the jargon of Hindostan
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Mentioned person
- Author of reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1801
- size
- keyword(s)
- notes
per howison, moises neu wbi+ lokabel
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension fremdsprachiger Literatur
- rubric
- Neuere Sprachkunde
- Gattung des rezensierten Werkes
- Grammatik