- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1793
- Band 3 : Numero 191...
- Numero 263
- Toulmin, Joshua: A ...
Toulmin, Joshua:
A review of the life, character and writings of the Rev. John Biddle. - London : Johnson, 1789
- Reviewed work
British biography
Tracts / printed and published by the Unitarian Society for promoting Christian knowledge
- Title of reviewed work
A review of the life, character and writings of the Rev. John Biddle
- Title according to orginal
London, b. Johnson: A Review of the life, character and writings of the Rev. John Biddle, M. A. who was banished to the Isle of Scilly in the Protectorat of Oliver Cromwell. By Joshua Toulmin, A. M. 1789. 186 S. 8°
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Mentioned person
- Author of reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1789
- reference
Die vorliegende Biographie "ist ungleich reichhaltiger, als die vor den Unitarian Tracts [Tracts / printed and published by the Unitarian Society for promoting Christian knowledge], und in der brittischen Biographie [British biography] befindliche."
- size
- notes
gbv+ quelle NA: wbi
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension fremdsprachiger Literatur
- rubric
- Gottesgelahrtheit
- Notationen
- 15.3. Geschichte der Gelehrten 56a-510, 54-530, 39-280
- Gattung des rezensierten Werkes
- Biographie