- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1793
- Band 4 : Numero 278...
- Numero 315
- Linné, Carl von: Th...
- Title of reviewed work
The animal kingdom, or zoological system...
- Title according to orginal
London, b. Murray u. Faulder: The Animal Kingdom, or zoological System, of the celebrated Sir Charles Linnaeus: Class. I. Mammalia: containing a complete systematic description, arrangement, and nomenclature of all the known species and varieties of the Mammalia, or animals which give fuck to their young; being a translation of that part of the Systema Naturae, as lately published, with great improvements, by Professor Gmelin of Goettingen. Together with numerous additions from more recent zoological writers, and illustrated with copperplates: by Robert Kerr, F. R. et A. SS. E. Member of the R. College of Surgeons, and of the R. Phys. S. and Surgeon to the Orphan Hospital of Edinburgh. 1792. Die Schmutztitel sind bezeichnet mit Vol. I. Part I. und Vol. I. Part II. zusammen 644 S. in gross Quart, wovon jedoch S. 433-468 ein Theil der Uebersicht der Vögelarten, fehlen, weil der Vf. wie ein eingeklebter Zettel anzeigt, fürchtete, dieselbe sonst unvollständig zu liefern. (7 Rthlr.)
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Commentator, corrector
- Author of reviewed work
- Illustrator, engraver
- Editor of reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1792
- reference
"Eine blosse Uebersetzung des Linnéisch-Gmelinschen Systems, ..." mit Ergänzungen aus Pennant, Latham, Molina, Philip, Smellie, Buffon, Niewhoff.
- size
- keyword(s)
Zoologische Nomenklatur
- notes
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension fremdsprachiger Literatur
- rubric
- Naturgeschichte
- Notationen
- Zoologie 1404a-1716, 1491-1780b, 897-1068