- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1792
- Band 4 : Numero 259...
- Numero 298
- Mosheim, Johann Lor...
Mosheim, Johann Lorenz:
Io. Laurentii a Mosheim De Beghardis et Beguinabus commentarius. Fragmentum ex ipso ms. auctoris celeberrimi libro ed., duplici app. ... et ind. necessario locupletavit Georgius Henricus Martini. - Lipsiae : Weidmann, 1790
- Title of reviewed work
Io. Laurentii a Mosheim De Beghardis et Beguinabus commentarius
- Title according to orginal
Leipzig, in d. Weidmannschen Buchh.: Joh. Laur. a Mosheim, incl. Georgiae Augustae, dum in vivis effet, Cancellatii, de Berghardis et Beguinabus Commentarius . Fragmentum ex ipso MS. Auctoris Celeberr. libro edidit, duplici Appendice, complurium Diplomatum, varietate lectionis, notis aliis, et indice necessario lovupletavit Georgus Henricus Martini, Scholae ad D. Nicolai Rector. 1790. 675 S. in gr. 8° ohne Vorrede und Register.
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Editor of reviewed work
- Author of reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1790
- size
- keyword(s)
- notes
gbv+, swd: beguinen, begharden-
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension
- rubric
- Gottesgelahrtheit
- Notationen
- 3.4. Geschichte der christlichen Religion und christlichen Kirche oder historische Theologie 2200-2678, 2101-2600, 1719-2028