- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1792
- Band 1 : Numero 1 -...
- Numero 81
- Tassie, James: A d...
- Reviewed work
Memoires Du Comte De Rantzow, Ou Les Heures de Récréation à l'usage de la Noblesse de l'Europe
- Title of reviewed work
A descriptive catalogue of a general collection of ancient and modern engraved gems, cameos as well as intaglios
- Title according to orginal
London, b. Tassie, Murray u. Buckton: A Descriptive Catalogue of a General Collection of Ancient and Modern Engraved Gems, Cameos as well as Intaglios, taken from the most celebrated Cabinets in Europe, and cast in coloured Pastes, white Enamel, and Sulphur; by James Tassie, Modeller; arranged and described by R. E. Raspe; and illustrated with Copper-Plates; to which is prefixed an Introduction on the various Uses of this Collection, the Origin of the Art of Engraving on Hard Stones, and the Progress of Pastes. 1791. Vol. I. LXXIV u. 496 S. Vol. II. S. 497-800, ausser den Registern und LVII Kupfertafeln. gr. 4° (2 Guineen) Auch mit dem Französischen Titel: Catalogue Raisonné d'une Collection Generale de Pierres Gravees Antiques et Modernes, etc.
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Mentioned person
Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe de Pestel de Lévis de Tubières-Grimoard
- Illustrator, engraver
- Author of reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1791
- reference
Erwähnt: Winckelmann, Lippert, v. Veltheim, van Boot, Kircher, Caylus, die Memoires du Comté de Rantzow, Mariette, Thierbach, Klotz sowie zahlreiche Künstler, Sammler und Motive.
- size
- keyword(s)
- notes
32++ van boot nich zu ermittuln
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension fremdsprachiger Literatur
- rubric
- Schoene Künste
- Notationen
- 14.7.3. Erhobene und vertiefte Bildnerey 576-596, 759-830, 255-290
- Gattung des rezensierten Werkes
- Katalog