- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1792
- Band 1 : Numero 1 -...
- Numero 16
- Harwood, Thomas: T...
Harwood, Thomas:
Thomas Harwood's annotations upon Genesis with observations doctrinal and practical. - London, 1789
- Title of reviewed work
Thomas Harwood's annotations upon Genesis with observations doctrinal and practical
- Title according to orginal
London, b. Vf.: Annotations upon Genesis, with Observation Doctrinal and Practical. By the Rev. Thomas Harwood, late of University College, Oxford. 1789. 316 S. 8° (1 Rthlr. 20 gr.)
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Author of reviewed work
- reviewed work
- 1789
- size
- keyword(s)
- notes
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Rezension fremdsprachiger Literatur
- rubric
- Gottesgelahrtheit
- Notationen
- 3.2.2. Schriften, das alte Testament betreffend 282-608, 255-549, 203-453