- A-Z
- Allgemeine Literatu...
- Jahrgang 1789
- Band 1 : Numero 1 -...
- Numero 41
- [Sammelrezension zw...
[Sammelrezension zweier medizinischer Aufsätze]
Rezensiert werden:
1. Foot, Jesse: Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatise on the veneral disease, ending with the subjekt of gonorrhoea and second part of his work. To be continued. - Second edition. - London : Becket, [1787]
2. Peake, John: A candid review of Jesse Foot's observations on the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatise on the veneral disease, ending with the subject of gonorrhoea. - London : Johnson, Murray, Egerton, 1788
- Title of reviewed work
A candid review of Jesse Foot's observations on the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatise on the veneral disease, ending with the subject of gonorrhoea
Observations upon the new opinions of John Hunter, in his late treatise on the veneral disease, ending with the subjekt of gonorrhoea and second part of his work
- Title according to orginal
[Sammelrezension zweier medizinischer Aufsätze]
- Publisher of reviewed work
- Author of reviewed work
- Mentioned person
- reviewed work
- 1788
- size
- keyword(s)
- notes
- "Gattung" Allgemeine Literaturzeitung
- Sammelrezension
- rubric
- Arz(e)neygelahrtheit
- Notationen
- Kenntniss und Kur innerlicher Krankheiten 876-1065, 765-1960, 485-1382; Aechte, philosophische Chemie